Thank you for your interest in submitting to Waveform Magazine’s gear review section. Please read through this carefully.
First, we don't charge for reviews. We would love it if you wanted to take an ad out to help support Waveform, but it isn't required to garner a review in the magazine.
All gear reviews slated for print are determined by Waveform, at our sole discretion. We will try our hardest to include as many as possible, and to synch up reviews with release dates when applicable, but it is up to the manufacturer to arrange that with Waveform before the deadline, and to supply Waveform with all pertinent information. Having said that, we will review anything that we find interesting and/or inspiring, no matter when it was officially released. Sometimes it takes a while for something great to catch on.

For more information and to coordinate a review please contact us at

Shipping address for USPS/FedEx/UPS/DHL to Waveform HQ:

Waveform Magazine
c/o Reviews

1570 W ARMORY WAY Ste 101 #393
SEATTLE, WA 98119-2678


(770) 744-2347