​  Video-Aventures - Musiques Pour Garçons Et Filles + Inédits

​ Video-Aventures - Musiques Pour Garçons Et Filles + Inédits

by Tom Ojendyk

Originally released as a 10” record in 1981 on Chris Cutler’s Recommend Records, Video-Aventures debut release Musiques Pour Garçons Et Filles + Inédits is now thankfully reissued and expanded upon. This highly recommended French experimental music mixes electronic and avant-garde rock that’s challenging, yet welcoming, and even playful. Formed by Dominqiue Grimaud after the awesome Paris-based music collective Camizole broke up in the late 70s, this loose collective was co-led by synth wiz Monique Alba and on these recordings featured guitarist Cyril Lefebvre (Maajun), Gilbert Artman (Lard Free, Urban Sax), Jean-Pierre Grasset (Verto), and Guigou Chenevier (Etron Fou Leloublan), a who’s who of the 70s French underground movement. The band created mostly short, yet fascinating instrumental pieces that showcase a variety of moods and styles, but still work cohesively as a whole. The record originally only had eight tracks and with this release the label has added a full albums-worth of extra rare tracks from the same time period that are making their first appearance on vinyl. While 70s and early 80s underground German and Japanese music is well-known at this point, it’s great to see SouffleContinu focusing on reissuing such great and obscure 70s and 80s French music that should appeal to people interested in experimental music from this classic period.
