Alias Zone - Water Stories

Alias Zone - Water Stories

by Ellison Wolf

According to Chris Meyer’s Bandcamp page there was a twenty year gap between his first Alias Zone release, Lucid Dream, in 2001, and the follow up, We Only Came to Dream, released in 2021. Since then he’s been on a tear, recording, releasing, and playing live at a rapid pace. I was fortunate enough to catch a quad performance in Santa Fe this past summer, and it was quite immersive. Meyer excels at a certain type of eastern influenced chilled-out music, replete with water swooshes, slow synth rises, spacious rhythms, and flute-onic melodies that reminds me a bit of Dead Can Dance and more recently a bit of Fever Ray. Created using a literal Pandora's Box [one of Meyers' modular synths' names] and other hard and soft synths and hand instruments, Water Stories is a relaxing, positive-vibed, soothing listen and the songs on it are studio versions of ones he's been playing out in the wild.