Baldruin - Relikte aus der Zunkunft

Baldruin - Relikte aus der Zunkunft

by Tom Ojendyk

Debuting in 2009, Baldruin has released a steady stream of DIY projects on various labels like SicSic, Wounded Knife, and Ikuisuus, and his impressive latest album, Relikte aus der Zunkunft, on Peruvian label Buh Records is forty minutes of mysterious and modern experimental music that’s full of ideas and contrasts. German-based Baldruin (aka Johannes Schebler) used acoustic instruments as the basis for the tracks and then added electronics and synths to create sonic atmospheric jams that range from murky and enigmatic to lively and futuristic. Schebler’s ability to capture so many moods and sounds and present them in a focused and coherent manner is commendable, and gives the listener a wide ranging and enjoyable listening experience. Another fine release on Buh Records.

Buh Records