Carlos Ferreira & Ki Oni - A Hundred Ways of Escaping

Carlos Ferreira & Ki Oni - A Hundred Ways of Escaping

by Tom Ojendyk

A Hundred Ways of Escaping is a bounty of warm and wonderful new age ambiance courtesy of Brazil’s Carlos Ferreira and Los Angeles-based Ki Oni [Chuck Soo-Hoo] on the very fine Tokyo cassette label, Umé. “Bounded Rationality” and “Failure to React in Response to Overthought” are longer pieces that are involved, grand, and successfully ambitious as well as expertly arranged and performed. The remaining tracks, “Hidden Information” and “What to Do Next?” are shorter pieces but they are still intricate and beautifully melodic. I’m not sure if any of the music was composed or fully improvised and I don’t know which musician did what, but their playing and ideas complement each other extremely well. 

Umé Records