

by Tom Ojendyk

CHBB was a short-lived German project featuring Beate Bartel (Einstürzende Neubauten) and Chrislo Haas (D.A.F.), who recorded four hyper-rare cassettes in 1981 before forming the band Liaisons Dangereuses. This comprehensive retrospective includes all the cassettes along with unreleased tracks, making it a must-have for fans of early industrial, minimal-synth, or electronic post-punk music. Some of the songs exhibit a proto-techno vibe, yet still sound modern and intriguing despite being recorded over forty years ago. While Germany is renowned for its influential experimental acts from the 70s and a plethora of current electronic musicians, this particular era remains somewhat underappreciated and therefore ripe for rediscovery. Kudos to the label for obtaining the licensing for this retrospective and delivering an outstanding presentation.

Soulsheriff Records