Hainbach - Home Stories

Hainbach - Home Stories

by Ellison Wolf

I had the very meta experience this past September while in Berlin for Superbooth of hearing Hainbach’s Home Stories for the first time while dining with Hainbach and some friends, one of which was carrying around the record, having just picked it up. It just so happened that the very charming neighborhood Italian restaurant we were at had a turntable in the dining room, and our server was delighted that we had a record by one of his patrons. The sounds of Home Stories filled the room, adding to the already enveloping ambience of the low lighting, dark woods, and heady smells. Twinkling half-awake piano, headstrong synth lines, out-of-breath sirens [?], Home Stories is not so much a collection of songs as it is of moods, passing from revelry to wistfulness to nostalgia. When the album and the meal ended, our party had a toast of Grappa with the restaurant staff and said our goodbyes. The night, and Home Stories, reminded me of the simple, spontaneous beauty that can exist in the space between paying bills and taking the dog for a walk, things that so easily get lost in the day to day.