Loula Yorke - Florescence

Loula Yorke - Florescence

by Tom Ojendyk

Florescence is a fine collection of electronic improvisation jams from the UK-based synthesist Loula Yorke, whose music moves through various moods and themes but is constantly thoughtful, engaging, and rewarding. The album begins with “Silverweed,” which has an almost aquatic feel to it and sounds like it could have been released on some rare 1970s library record. Other tracks like “Bastard Toadflax” and “Petty Whin” sound like 90s electronic jams with space-age rhythmic synth blasts that sound both retro and futuristic. The two longest tracks, both highlights, are saved for the end. “Sun Spurge” is a wonderful minimalist piece that slowly and blissfully moves around the intergalactic zone, and the last track “Aaron’s Rod” is an intriguing experimental soundscape that’s full of movement, ideas, and beauty. 

Tigerforce Records