mickXer - myVolts

mickXer - myVolts

by Ellison Wolf

myVolts is a company that makes some cool, very power-ful stuff. I spelled power-ful that way because most of their wares have to do with power [hence the company name], and how you power your things. Items like the Ripcord [a USB to DC barrel power cable] and Crazy Chain [a customizable daisy chain for powering pedals/synths] not only have fun names, but are also seriously helpful tools that actually solve problems. myVolts is a problem solving company, and their website is worth checking out if you’ve ever uttered similar phrases as, “I wish there was a cable that…”, or “If only I could power this with…”
mickXer is a rectangular 5 in one 1 out stereo or mono passive mixer that’s about the size of a small remote control. It does seem a little ironic that this is a passive mixer since myVolts deals with so many solutions concerning power, but it is this passivity which makes it so useful as this is a mobile unit, small enough to be out of the way and moved around.
While mickXer is not an end of chain mixer, and is more intended to be an intermediary between whatever music devices you desire and an amp, DAW, or speakers, the online manual says it works great with smaller desktop synths like the Volca line, Pocket Operators, Roland Boutique synths, and other instruments of that nature, and indeed, it does seem to fit right in with those aforementioned music making devices, both in terms of size, and style. In terms of style, there are three colors to choose from, so if you’re very matchy matchy about your system, and only like things to be red, [or gray or black] the mickXer has you covered. It’s got a nice sturdy feel and heft to the unit, and overall seems well built.
The thing is, about problem solving, is that when you’re solving BIG problems, like say, reducing carbon emissions from a power plant, it’s usually enough to just tackle that one problem. But when your business works on the nooks and crannies, the in-between stuff, every small detail is a possible opportunity for improvement. Case in point: mickXer has sticky feet so you can secure it to your desktop or the side of a modular case. No big deal, right? When I think of sticky feet—the peel and stick kind—I always use them knowing full well that in about a month [or an hour] I’m going to need to relocate this and need to peel, scrape, and bring out the rubbing alcohol to do so. mickxer has micro-suction feet that secure impermanently to most surfaces, so it can be moved around, yet still adhere securely to a surface. Its feet can be stuck and unstuck. No isopropyl involved. That might seem small, but it’s these types of details that make something so useful, and indeed mickXer solves a few problems, some you didn’t even know you had. Now if only myVolts offered marital advice or kitchen appliances...
Price: $17.99