Moth Cock - Whipped Stream and Other Earthy Delights

Moth Cock - Whipped Stream and Other Earthy Delights

by Tom Ojendyk

Ohio-based Moth Cock have been quite prolific since forming in the mid-2000s and their latest release might be their most ambitious one yet, comprising three hours of music stretched over a three-tape box set. Thankfully, the duo is in top form with their awesome mix of free improvisation and electric music. I might question the sanity of anyone who could sit through the entirety of this release due to its wide scope, and honestly, I think it works better when listening in parts because the pieces are easier to appreciate with fresh ears. The release begins with a gigantic 26-minute layered cosmic drone with sax and synths that shows how experimental music can be engaging and also cavernous. From there, the music goes from playful to bonkers to dark to beautiful and to everything in between. It’s probably not possible to fully explain everything going on with this release but if you need to zone out for nearly half your work day, check out Moth Cock.

Hausu Mountain