Needham Woodworks / Eskatonic Modular

Needham Woodworks / Eskatonic Modular

by Michael Stein

I ordered a bespoke case from Needham Woodworks that could be designed exactly how I needed for my space and workflow, and I decided on one of the 15U designs because it has a very ergonomic design with a fully curved facade. One of my first inquiries was the importance of having +5V available on every row and Erik informed me that this was a simple request; they were in production on their own PSUs and distro boards. Needham’s cases allow for all kinds of custom options like the addition of 1U rails [perfect for utility modules], and I expanded upon the idea to include a skiff for my performance modules. One feature I am fond of getting away from are sliding nuts as I have 5 cases with [them] and I’m relieved I won't be fussing with those anymore! My case is an all around gorgeous piece of furniture and there is a level of quality and craftsmanship—with a lot of care and nuance—that really presents itself, meaning that every piece is truly unique. It surpassed my expectations—a very good thing.